The highest award given by the jury is the "Golden Letter". In addition, one »Gold Medal«, two »Silver Medals«, five »Bronze Medals« and five »Honorary Appreciations« will be selected. All awards are non-endowed. The awarding of the certificates usually takes place during the Leipzig Book Fair.
the awardees Best Book Design from all over the World
“100 More Years with Doraemon”
Doraemon by Tentomushi Comics Full Set of 45 Volumes
Bronze Medal
A Non-Reader for people who like to look at letters
Honorary Appreciation
alles oder nichts wortet
Festschrift für Ferdinand Schmatz
Bronze Medal
Chrám umění: Rudolfinum
Bronze Medal
Historie naturalne
Bronze Medal
Met Stoelen
Gold Medal
Migrant Marseille
Honorary Appreciation
On the Move
Honorary Appreciation
On the Necessity of Gardening
An ABC of Art, Botany and Cultivation
Goldene Letter
Portraits, John Berger à vol d’oiseau
Bronze Medal
Rodin / Arp
Silver Medal
Valentine Schlegel: Je dors, je travaille
Silver Medal
Water: Wang Muyuu Artworks Portfolio
Honorary Appreciation
Wright Morris. L’Essence du visible
Honorary Appreciation