Research & Text: Nils Kahlefendt
Speaker: Dan Wesker
Photos: Carolin Blöink
leipzigs neue seiten /// extra #3: best book design from all over the world 2024

As they do every year, jurors from five countries gathered at the National Library in Leipzig in early February to select the 'Most Beautiful Books from around the World'. 550 books from 34 countries – including Austria, Belgium, Canada and Venezuela – were laid and ready for the jury's scrutiny. It was also a big challenge for the current jury – Jianping He (China/Germany), Päivi Helander (Finland), Isidora Nikolić (Serbia), Alexandra Stender (Germany) und Scott Vander Zee (USA). For an extra episode of our podcast, we were allowed to look over their shoulders during the selection marathon.
The award-winning books 2024 can be viewed for the first time at the Leipzig Book Fair (March 21th – April 24th)
With big thanks to Dan Wesker (voice) and Steffen Brosig (editing).